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Vehicle security tracking system

In the case of vehicle theft, it is often the speed of the theft that needs to be monitored.
In many cases, a vehicle is quickly opened and started and can then move immediately and at a higher speed. When securing a vehicle against theft, it is therefore of the utmost importance that the detection of the theft takes place as quickly as possible. For this reason, in many cases the alarm system (class 3 SCM) is linked to the vehicle tracking system. As soon as the alarm detects theft, a report will be made to the owner and/or alarm centre via the tracking system.

Dejavu Cars also advises the use of a Multitracker set for the security of cars, your company bus or truck.

SCM Class 5 security ( VVS+) for your vehicle
If your insurer requires an SCM class 5 system ( VVS+ system ) then your choice will be less technical and will mainly be about which installer you choose. There are large differences in this and it is therefore also important when you buy a class 5 SCM system to look for references of the different scm certified installers.

Look for more information on our page SCM / VBV.

Dejavu Cars nowadays also offers its customers multitracker sets. By means of a multitracker tracking system an even better result against theft is expected and the user also has the possibilities of a logistics management system.

Of course, Dejavu Cars will be able to help you determine the right choice of a tracking system to secure your vehicles, machines or vessel. Dejavu Cars offers you both specialized tracking systems as well as SCM class 5 certified tracking systems with a security classification and installation guarantee.
For fleet managers and companies who want to be able to make their own specific choice, we have set out below which matters are important and how you can find out whether a tracking system is suitable as a security system.

Is there a requirement from the insurer? Then go to SCM / VBV

Important points to pay attention to when purchasing a security tracking system:

Is there a place to hide the tracking system in the object to be secured?
In the case of a vehicle or machine, we often talk about a place with at least an arm's length in the dashboard or another place that is not easily accessible.

If there is no good spot, a small wireless tracking system may be the solution.

Does the (12-24V) system have a back-up battery?

If not, then the tracking system is actually not suitable for securing your object.

Does the system have other possibilities to determine a location (at least 2)
Does the system have more than 1 possibility to send the data to the server (at least 2)
Does the tracking system have a sabotage protection by means of for example a notification based on the power supply or a read-contact or lux(light) sensor, etc.